The "blush of blogging newness" has worn, I suppose. I've missed the connection greatly! It's winter, and I'm definitely feeling the affects of the season. For me, that means the energy I normally have to tackle projects and check items off of do lists is nigh on non-existent. I am just existing. Don't get me wrong, there is plenty of joy and happiness in life, I just don't do much more than work, figure out how to keep bills paid there and here and....go see Twilight in the theatre.
There, it's out. I've put it in print, so now it is my truth...I've fallen deeply into the Cult of Twilight. Since November 15th, when I picked up the first of Stephenie Meyer's books (yeah, I'm late to the party...but no less passionate). Naturally, as with most everything wonderful in my life, Shannon is the one who nudged me toward the series with the advent of the film's release... we planned on going to a midnight showing of it at the theatre in Jack London square. I didn't want to see the film without reading the book, so I picked it up the weekend before, finally cracking it open on Sunday. I had a busy week scheduled, leading FA Meetings in Castro Valley on Wednesday and Turlock on Thursday, the day of the movie screening. Reading had to be puzzle-pieced in to the chaos.
There, it's out. I've put it in print, so now it is my truth...I've fallen deeply into the Cult of Twilight. Since November 15th, when I picked up the first of Stephenie Meyer's books (yeah, I'm late to the party...but no less passionate). Naturally, as with most everything wonderful in my life, Shannon is the one who nudged me toward the series with the advent of the film's release... we planned on going to a midnight showing of it at the theatre in Jack London square. I didn't want to see the film without reading the book, so I picked it up the weekend before, finally cracking it open on Sunday. I had a busy week scheduled, leading FA Meetings in Castro Valley on Wednesday and Turlock on Thursday, the day of the movie screening. Reading had to be puzzle-pieced in to the chaos.
Let me say this - it immediately became an obsession. Once I began reading, I couldn't stop. I felt like Edward Cullen sucking the venom out of Bella's vampire wound - I didn't have the strength to stop. Every spare second was spent immersed in Forks, Washington with Bella, Edward and their world. I sat in the parking lot in Turlock before the Thursday 7 p.m. FA meeting, gobbling words like my soul was starving for it. After the movie, November 21, 2008 - I was forever changed. I haven't come up for air since! I have to see the movie every three days or I get a little twitchy - I'm up to 13 theatre showings. Read between the lines when I confess I've seen it another 6 times "out of the theatre".
Naturally, the other 3 books in the series - New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn - were quickly in my possession. Bought them, and read each in one day. I don't know if it was the timing needing something to stave off the Winter Blahs...the stress of finances and the holidays, but I am completely gone, living in Twilight world. I can not remember the last time I have been so immersed in a passion like this! Sure, many enjoyable diversions have come into my life over the years, but I seriously feel exactly like I'm 15 and my walls are plastered from stem to stern with Bay City Rollers posters. I want nothing more than to be surrounded by the books, inhabiting the movie, reading about the actors...wherever the Siren's Call of it leads, I follow. When it comes down to it, I blame Pearl Jam for taking a break from touring. Knowing I'm not going to be seeing them live for a while definitely leaves my being feeling deflated, disconnected and a little bit lost. Okay, a lot lost. Having the Pearl Jam soul infusion on a regular basis has become a necessary part of my existence; when they don't tour I flounder.
Whatever the reason, I've got it bad! What are we called, Twilighters? Days are spent reading the books (I have read Twilight twice, New Moon twice and am halfway through Eclipse again), reading Midnight Sun (the online leak of Stephenie's partial reworking of Twilight from Edward's perspective), going to the movie, checking fansites several times a day for news on the next movie, New Moon (starts filming in March, out 11.20.09 YAY - I'd be in line for a midnight showing now if I could, lol)... and naturally, I'm enamored with the gorgeous and fabulous youngling who plays Edward Cullen - Rob Pattinson. He's 22, I have shoes older than he is, but I care not. He's beautiful and seems like a good boy who was raised well.
So I now have two Edwards and two Robs in my life! Vedder, Cullen, Davis, Pattinson. A lovely quadfecta. My Twilight obsession is such that for Christmas this year, with my husband Rob and I being on a tight holiday budget (hilarious that I feel compelled to preface that with my husband so it would be clear which Rob I mean), I told him I already bought myself my present - books, the movie showings, not to mention all the normal detritus that accompanies my obsessions - magazines, movie books...etc. It could be worse, I could be spending a HELL of a lot more, but I'm struggling for balance. I refuse to set foot in Hot Topic - the Twilighted Teen's paradise, so their wares are safe from my wallet. I will not own an Edward Cullen throw blanket. So for Christmas this year, I got a nice stocking. With some Twilight movie magnets in it. I heart you, Santa!
I can't do justice to the books, films or actors in this post. If you want to know about Twilight or Rob, there are tons of fansites Pattinson Online , Robert Pattinson Fan , and for Twilight, I often check BellaAndEdward.com and Twilight Moms , amongst others. - I just thought it was a good idea to explain why I haven't come up for air since November 20th. How thrilling it has been, and continues to be, to be immersered fully in the world of Bella and Edward. Shannon and I have roped in a few friends to the cult, so we get to see The Movie that much more. (YEAH that's how Twilight is referred to in my house - The Movie...One crappy PMS-filled Thursday, I called my hubby and said "I'm going to The Movie I'll be home at midnight and it's stuck ever since). The newly anointed get in as deeply as we have, and can't see the movie just once...so it's pretty thrilling.
My sister-by-choice LeAnn is also just as obsessed, so it's been fabulous to have her to share this with as well. We'll text each other from each movie showing "Yeah, I'm a the 9.30 Fremont showing, Twilight #6" and so on. LeAnn, Shannon and I are going to the San Francisco Twilight Convention February 20-22. Yeah, it's like that. HEY I'm a convention vet...I've been to numerous Star Trek Next Gen cons, Comic Cons, a Lord of the Rings con...it's not like I wasn't a full-on nerd before this Twilight storm hit! It's just absolutely blissful to have a passion to take me outside of myself in new and glorious ways.
So here is to a successful, joyous and Twilighted 2009.